Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Dirty Cream Artisan Pillow


Nggak ada yang salah jika salah satu dekorasi di rumah kita di isi oleh barang yang sedikit nyeleneh dan keluar dari tema. Gak ada yang salah juga jika terlihat sedikit kekanak-kanakan. Dirty Cream baru saja me-release beberapa bantal unik dengan illustrasi dari beberapa artist kelas dunia seperti Filter017 dan lain nya. Tertarik ?? Langsung aja order online di website Dirty Cream.

No one said home decor had to be snooty and full of solid colors. Heck, it doesn’t even have to look grown-up, but it does have to reflect your personal style and when we came across this line of pillows from Dirty Cream, well lets just say it was a good thing we couldn’t find our wallet!
There’s a ridiculous amount of other things in the Dirty Cream webstore, if these sorts of homewares and artisan items are up your alley, make sure to check it out!

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